Shed Dog Seminar Coming to Central Park!

Join us on Saturday, May 4th, from 10 AM - Noon at the Central Park Nature Center to learn about the UKC Elite Shed Dog Series. Will Heckart and Paul Andersen, with Eastern Iowa Shed Dogs, will share their wealth of knowledge on training shed dogs and put on a mock UKC Shed Series trial demonstration.
You will learn
1. The basics of training a Shed Dog. Both adult and puppy training techniques and tips.
2. Learn about wild shed hunting and competition shed hunting. Find out what the basic similarities and differences are.
3. Find out what the UKC Shed Series is through a basic overview of the classes and rules.
4. Enjoy a mock UKC Elite Shed Series trail watching real shed dogs at work.
Please register for this free event at by noon on May 3rd. PLEASE NOTE: This event has been CANCELED due to low registration numbers.