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Hunting Season Safety Reminders

posted on 11/19/24

As autumn transitions to winter now is the time to take a few moments to remember some simple safety tips.

Whether you are hunting or simply heading out on a relaxing hike on area trails you should always be aware of your surroundings and consider steps to have a safe outdoor experience.  Make sure you, your family members, and your pets are visible to others.  Wear hunter orange for high visibility.   Know if an area is open to hunting or if landowners in nearby properties allow hunting.  When hunting, follow Iowa law on hunter orange clothing and blind markers. 

Always remember to contact landowners and get permission to hunt each year.  Never trespass and do not assume you have permission just because you have hunted there in the past.   Land changes hands, families grow, and sometimes more than one party has permission to hunt the same area.

Learn safe firearm handling and practice it, including in your vehicles.  Know the law - unload and case your firearm before traveling from one area to another.  Once at your destination remember to only load your firearm when you begin to hunt.  Many hunters get into the habit of uncasing and loading their firearms while gathering around parked vehicles which can easily and often lead to deadly accidents.

Muzzle control is essential!  Anyone handling a firearm needs to always maintain control of where their firearm muzzle points.  Accidents take only a split second to occur and where your muzzle is pointing can be the difference between life and death.  If your hunting partners are sloppy and do not take this seriously do not hunt with them. 

Hunters should unload any firearm they are handing to another hunter.  This includes going over obstacles such as fences.  If someone is handing you a firearm you should not accept it unless you know it is empty and you should verbally acknowledge that you have a grip on the firearm.  It may take a little time and a few extra words, but it is far better than what could happen if a loaded firearm accidentally goes off unintentionally.

When hunting never hurry your shot or take a shot at something you are not positive to be the animal you are hunting.  Keep calm.  You must be absolutely sure of what you are aiming at AND what lies beyond.    You must remember that your firearms range may be farther than what you can see.  Make sure that you never shoot over the top of a hill, over water, or out across an open field.  

If you are hunting with a group, it is vital to be aware, at all times, of the whereabouts of all other hunters.  Even the location of hunting parties hunting on adjacent properties.   One person in the wrong spot can have tragic consequences.  Be observant of neighboring properties and when hunting on public areas watch for other park users and their pets.

These are a few of many hunting season safety tips outdoor enthusiasts should abide by.  Remember to use common sense, follow Iowa’s hunting regulations, and hunt with others who respect hunting safety and Iowa’s hunting laws.  Hunting can be a fun and rewarding activity if done properly and respectfully.   

For current Iowa hunting rules and regulations, hunting safety tips, upcoming hunter safety classes, and online hunter safety links and videos visit https://www.iowadnr.gov/hunting/hunting-licenses-laws

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