Fly Tying Classes to be Held at Central Park

Have you ever wanted to learn to tie your own fishing flies? Fly tying is an ancient art and has grown in popularity. Learn how to tie your flies to match the hatch and figure out which flies to use to catch fish in different situations. Join long time fishermen and Hawkeye Fly Tyer, Mike Jacobs, at the Central Park Nature Center Lower-Level Meeting Room as he guides you to tie three new fishing flies each evening! Participants must sign up for the entire series of classes as skills are accumulative over the month. Classes are set for Thursday evenings, from 5-7 PM, in March: March 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th. A one-time materials charge of $20 will be collected at the first class. Space is limited! Register early to assure your spot. Participants 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Please register by 4 pm, March 1st at All materials will be provided!