A BIG THANK YOU to the 2024 Jones County Youth Conservation Crew

We'd like to THANK all of the members of the 2024 Jones County Youth Conservation Crew and conservation staff assisting with this years volunteer projects. Thanks to these hard working youth we were able to complete several projects this past June. Members assisted with planting milkweed plugs to provide larval food sources for Monarch butterflies. Collected bat guano samples for a continuing statewide sampling in order to document the potential spread of White Noes Syndrome in Iowa. Removed invasive trees and shrubs from the Central Park Lake Dam. Monitored and maintained the purple martin colony at Central Park. Removed fishing line and other litter from around the lakes shoreline both on land and in the water. Replaced aging wood chips around the Central Park Nature Center landscaped areas. We truly value all of our volunteers and appreciate everything they do to help improve and maintain our county conservation areas.