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Frequently Asked Questions


How close may I construct a building next to a secondary roadway?


Jones County prohibits construction within thirty (30) feet of the established road right-of-way.  The Board of Supervisors may authorize upon appeal, in specific cases, a variance from the terms of the Setback Ordinance.  The Setback Variance Application form can be found here.


How do I add a new driveway or widen and existing driveway?


Fill out an Application for Access, found here.  Applications can be e-mailed, regular mailed or dropped off at the County Engineer’s Office.  Permits will not be processed and construction shall not begin until a field inspection has been completed by secondary road staff.


What are your hours of operation for winter snow removal?


Snow removal units, including those applying abrasive materials, normally will operate during daylight hours, or shortly before daylight, Monday through Friday.  On Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, the normal level of service will be implemented if conditions warrant.  Only in cases of emergency will snow removal units operate between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.  The initial effort will be to get all routes opened to one-lane traffic as soon as possible after a storm has passed.  After one-lane travel is possible, subsequent snow removal will be carried on during normal working hours.


What is right-of-way?


Right-of-way is an area of land that is owned by the property owner, but the local government possesses an easement in order to maintain the road for public usage.  The amount of right-of-way varies from road to road, but typically extends 33 feet each direction from the center of the roadway on gravel surfaced roads and 50 feet each direction on paved roads.  Landowners may not place, or cause to be placed, an obstruction within any county roadway right-of-way.


When is the sign-up period for dust control? When can my dust control be bladed?


The deadline for filing for a permit for first application is the last Friday of April.  The deadline for filing for a permit for the second application is the last Friday of June.  Dust control applications are valid until the last day of August of the year issued.  Locations where dust control has been applied tend to be susceptible to potholes and washboards.  In the event that potholes or washboards develop within an Applicants dust control location, the patrol operator may blade or scarify this area at any time to produce a smooth surface.  The County shall not be responsible for notification, replacement or compensation to an Applicant for locations re-graded.

Map · Jones County Secondary Roads

19501 HWY 64 · Anamosa, IA 52205