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911 Service Board
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About the Attorney
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About the Auditor
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Jones County Alerts
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Animal Bites & Rabies
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Avian Influenza (HPAI)
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Birth Records
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Bluebird Project
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Board of Adjustment
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Board of Health
Find information about Board of Health meetings, its members, and its position statements.
Board of Review: Assessment Appeals
Learn how to appeal an assessment of your property.
Meetings & Minutes
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Cabin Reservation Request
Reserve a cabin at Central Park! Fill out our form to inquire about availability.
Calendar of Events
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Campsite Availability
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Nature Center
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Civil Divison
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Closings & Cancellations
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Community Health Needs
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Community Resources
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Conference Board
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Conservation Board
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County Attorney Payment Plans
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County Maps
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Community Partnerships for Protecting Children
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Credits and Exemptions
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Current Projects
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Death Records
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Early Childhood Iowa
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Election Results
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Elections Website
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Emergency Medical Dispatching
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Environmental Education
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Financial and Tax Information
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Fireworks Permit
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Food & Vending Forms
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Forms and Fees
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Glass Recycling Program
Learn what types of glass can be recycled through the Glass Recycling Program.
Home Health
View a list of private duty home care options in the area.
Hunting & Fishing
Learn how to apply for a hunting or fishing license.
Jones County Jail
Find information about jail visitations, inmate mail and phone service, and work releases.
Meet the Jones County JETS team.
Maps & Data
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Marriage Records & Marriage Licenses
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Military Records
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Natural and Cultural History
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Other Forms
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Parks & Wildlife Areas
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Passport Photos
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Pay Property Taxes
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Planning and Zoning Commission
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Beacon - Property Information
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Real Estate
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Real Estate Documents
Visit the Iowa Lands Records website to access real estate documents.
Real Estate Mapping
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Recorder Forms
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Recording Fees
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Recreational Vehicles
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Related Links
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Renew Driver's License
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Renew Vehicle Registration
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Reports & Documents
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Resources & Links
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Road Closures & Construction
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Sales List
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Section Corners
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Resource Directory
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Sex Offenders
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Sexual Health
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Sheriff Sales
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Solid Waste Commission
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Swimming Pool Inspections
Visit Linn County Public Health's website to request a pool or spa inspection.
Transfer Tax Calculator
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Vaccines & Immunizations
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Victim Registration
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Water Tests
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Weapon Permits
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911 Address Coordinator
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Board of Supervisors
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Children Services
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Clerk of Court
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Community Services
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DHS (Human Services)
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Emergency Management
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Environmental Health
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Explore county maps and data, including real estate mapping.
Reserve a ride with the Jones County JETS.
Land Use
Contact the office and view the county zoning ordinance and land use comprehensive plans.
View fees and accepted materials at the landfill.
Public Health
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Request certified copies of records, register a boat or ATV/snowmobile/ORV, and view recording fees.
Secondary Roads
Access forms and policies, view road and traffic maps, and find information about road closures and construction.
Senior Dining
Learn how seniors and other members of the community can participate in our Senior Dining program.
Learn about the Jones County Sheriff's Office and view contact information.
Visit the Treasurer website for online vehicle registration renewals and property tax payments.
Veteran Affairs
Contact Veteran Affairs to see if you qualify for rent, utility, and other assistance.
Are boat motors allowed on Central Park Lake?

You can have a motor on your boat but you are not allowed to use gas motors on the lake. Simply tilt your motor up out of the water. Trolling motors are allowed.

Are food and drinks allowed in JETS vehicles?

Open food and drink containers are not allowed in our vehicles.

Are pets allowed in the park?

Pets are allowed on a leash or chain not to exceed 6 feet, except where otherwise noted. Visitors are responsible for cleaning up after their animals and keeping noise to a minimum.

Are pets allowed on the beach?

No. Pets are not permitted in the swimming area.

Are senior meals only for low income seniors?

Nothing could be further from the truth. Senior Meals are for those over 60 regardless of income. This service allows seniors to remain independent and in their own homes longer. It is a valuable resource that is available to every senior from all walks of life in Jones County.

Can drivers assist clients at their destination?

Drivers Can Not:

  1. Take client checks into the bank to be cashed for them
  2. Run into the post office to deliver packages for a client or pick up a client's mail
  3. Grocery shop for clients or put their groceries away when returned home
  4. Run into the water department to pay a client's bill
  5. Write checks and pay bills for clients
  6. Assist in dressing clients
  7. Pick up clients off the floor. Drivers must call the office or 911.
Can I add money to a commissary account for phone calls and texting?

To put money on an inmate's account for phone calls or texting, visit Reliance Telephone's website. For phone billing inquiries, please call 1-800-896-3201. For inmate voice mail, please call (319) 462-3177.

Do I need a 911 address sign?

If you live or have a business in the Jones County unincorporated area, then yes, you need a sign. Many people get a 911 sign even if they do not have a home or business at a particular location. A 911 sign is a convenient way to let delivery drivers or emergency services know where you want a delivery dropped or when you want someone to find you. 

Do I need a permit in order to carry a handgun?

No.  Effective July 1, 2021, a permit to carry will not be required in order to carry handguns in the State of Iowa as long as the individual is not otherwise prohibited by state or federal law from carrying or possessing a firearm and abides by all other provisions in the law.  You may still consider a carry permit in order to prevent legal issues associated with a person coming within 1,000 feet of the grounds of a public, parocial, or private school without a state issued a permit in violation of the Gun Free School Zones Act.

Do I need an appointment to apply for or renew my weapons permit?

The Civil office does not require an appointment at this time to apply for or renew your permit.  You may come in any time Monday-Friday from 8:30a-4p. .

Do I need an Iowa Fishing License to fish at Central Park?

Yes. Please visit the Iowa DNR website to learn more about specific requirements.

Do you take reservations for campsites?

We do not take reservations for our campsites. Campers simply register at the campground kiosk centers upon arrival.

Does Central Park have WIFI?

Central Park now has WIFI available in the modern camping area from April 15 through October 15.  Free WIFI is also available in and near the Nature Center building — the password is located at the Nature Center outdoor bulletin board.

How close may I construct a building next to a secondary roadway?

Jones County prohibits construction within thirty (30) feet of the established road right-of-way.  The Board of Supervisors may authorize upon appeal, in specific cases, a variance from the terms of the Setback Ordinance.  The Setback Variance Application form can be found here.

How do I add a new driveway or widen and existing driveway?

Fill out an Application for Access, found here.  Applications can be e-mailed, regular mailed or dropped off at the County Engineer’s Office.  Permits will not be processed and construction shall not begin until a field inspection has been completed by secondary road staff.

How do I add money to an inmate's commissary account?

Family and friends can place money in an inmate's commissary account for them to purchase hygiene items. Cash or money orders written out to the inmate will be accepted. We do not take checks or credit cards. These items can either be dropped off in person at the jail during business hours or can be mailed to the inmate. 

How do I add or remove someone from my deed?

To add or remove someone from your deed following a marriage, divorce, death, etc., we recommend contacting an attorney or abstract/title search company to have the proper documentation drawn up and recorded.  The Auditor’s office cannot prepare deeds for property owners.

How do I apply for a 911 sign?

Either stop at the Jones County 911 Office or download the application here. Fill out the application and provide a map of where your driveway access point will be from the main road. Having the parcel number is a big help. That can be obtained from the Jones County Assessor’s Office.

When finished filling out the application, drop it off at the office or return by mail.

How do I cancel a JETS ride?

It is important to cancel your ride as early as possible. By doing this, you make it possible for other riders to get the transportation they need.

Call (319) 465-6564; the phone is staffed with an employee Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There is a voice mail system in place at all times to assist you in directing your call. You may call anytime day or night to cancel a ride. You must cancel at least one hour prior to the ride to avoid a missed ride.

If you are calling after hours for a cancellation, please leave the name of the rider, telephone number, date(s), and time(s) of trips you want to be canceled. It is also helpful to include the pick-up and drop-off addresses of all the trips you wish to cancel.

Drivers cannot make scheduling changes. Please do not ask them to make any changes for you. All schedule changes must be done through direct communication with the JETS dispatcher. Please call for any changes at (319) 465-6564.

How do I find out if my property is going into/out of a flood plain?

Visit the FEMA website to view flood map changes. Please zoom in on your area for controls and instructions to load.

How do I find out if my property is in a flood plain?

Please use the FEMA Flood Map to check if your property is in a flood plain. 

How do I get an abstract for my property?

Contact an abstract/title search company to have one prepared.

How do I make a reservation?

To reserve a ride, call Jones County JETS at (319) 465-6564. Reservations are taken by phone Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

Reservations should be made at least 24 hours in advance. Out of county trips should be made at least 7 days in advance. Same Day Service is available on a limited basis.

JETS will not accept reservations in the form of a phone message, but you can leave us a message to call you back and make a reservation.

Have the following information ready when you call:

  • Your name, address, and phone number
  • Name and address of destination
  • Date and time you wish to go
  • Date and time you wish to return
  • Are you in a wheelchair, or do you require special assistance?
  • Do you have an escort riding with you?
  • Are you reserving a ride for others?
How do I register for a campsite?

Once at our park, you select any open campsite and set up your tent or wheeled camping unit depending on the type of site selected. Sites that include two or three utility services per site (Sites #1-25) are required to have a wheeled camping unit set up on site. A tent or wheeled camping unit is permitted on all other sites. See the Central Park Map for site locations.

You must register at the information kiosks located in the camping areas within one hour of set up. Complete the provided registration slip, enclose your payment, and deposit in the registration payment box. Place the other half of your registration slip in the post at your campsite.

How do I reserve the enclosed pavilion or cabins at Central Park?

All reservations must be made by calling the Jones County Conservation Administrative Office at (563) 487-3541 ext. 1 after the first of the calendar year.

How do I send mail to an inmate?

How to address inmate mail: 

Inmates Full Name
Jones County Jail
P.O. Box 167
Anamosa, IA 52205

You must have your complete name and return address on the envelope or the mail will not be delivered to the inmate. It will be placed in their property box and they will receive it when they leave. 

The only things that inmates can receive in the mail direct from family or friends are letters, photos, and money orders for commissary.  Any other foreign materials will be removed and placed in the inmate's property tub for when they are released. 

You can have books sent to inmates. They must be new, softcover books only. They must be sent directly from the distributor or bookstore. If family or friends mail the books directly, the books will be placed in the inmate's property tub for when they are released. 

How do I split or combine parcels of land?

A split or combination of lots or parcels of land must be approved by the necessary planning department.  If you live in the county (outside of any city limit) you should start the process with the county planning department.  If you live inside a city’s boundaries, contact your city’s planning department to sign off first.

How does the Assessor estimate market value?

To estimate the market value of your property, the Assessor generally uses three approaches. The first approach is to find properties that are comparable to yours which have sold recently. Local conditions peculiar to your property are taken into consideration. The assessor also uses sales ratio studies to determine the general level of assessment in a community, in order to adjust for local conditions. This method is generally referred to as the MARKET APPROACH and usually considered the most important in determining the value of residential property.

The second approach is the COST APPROACH and is an estimate of how many dollars at current labor and material prices it would take to replace your property with one similar to it. In the event improvement is not new appropriate amounts for depreciation and obsolescence would be deducted from replacement value. The value of the land then would be added to arrive at the total estimate of value.

The INCOME APPROACH is the third method used if your property produces income such as an apartment or office building. In that case, your property could be valued according to its ability to produce income under prudent management; in other words, what another investor would give for a property in order to gain its income. The income approach is the most complex of the three approaches because of the research, information and analysis, necessary for an accurate estimate of value. This method requires thorough knowledge of local and national financial conditions, as well as any developmental trends in the area of the subject properly being appraised since errors or inaccurate information can seriously affect the final estimate of value.

How does the county determine my address?

A grid pattern is overlayed on a map of the county much like a chessboard. Numbering starts from the south-east corner of the county. The range of numbers begins at 1000 and increases by 1000 for every mile from the starting point. At the north-west most point in the county, the numbering stops at 24999.

Once a 911 address is determined it is forwarded to the United States Postal Service becoming the official address of the property. Every city in Jones County assigns its own address schema separate from the county system. And finally, it is worth noting not every county in Iowa plots their addresses the same way.

How long can you stay at one site?

The maximum length of consecutive days at one site allowed is 14 days. Campers are then required to vacate that campsite for a minimum of 48 hours.

How many tents are allowed on each primitive campsite?

One additional small tent is allowed with a wheeled camping unit site or primitive site at no extra cost. One additional tent may be placed on a registered primitive campsite for a fee of $4.

How much does a sign cost?

The cost of the signage is currently set at $70. This included the post, the sign, and hardware to attach the sign to the post along with a set of instructions. Prorated charges may be applied when purchasing replacement parts. The 911 Office only accepts cash or check.

How much does a trip cost?

Our fares:

  • Within city limits: $4.00 each way
  • Between cities: $6.00 each way
  • Extra Stops within the same town: $2.00
  • Senior Dining In-Town: $2.00
  • Special trip rates / Out of county: $30.00 per hr if we have to wait and return. ($30.00 each way if no waiting is involved)
How soon can I renew my weapon permit?

Permits can be renewed no sooner than 30 days prior to expiration.  You have 30 days prior to expiring or up to 30 days after expiring to be within the $25 renewal period.  If you go past 30 days after expiration, the fee increases to $50.  Bring your expired weapon permit along with valid ID indicating that you currently reside in Jones county. 


I'm not sure if I'm prohibited from possessing or carrying a firearm due to something in my past. How do I determine if I'm eligible?

A person who is unsure if they are eligible to possess a firearm should seek legal advice from an attorney.  They may also choose to complete the application process for a permit to acquire or a permit to carry through the Sheriff's office.  The issuance of either one of these permits would indicate a person can lawfully possess or carry a firearm in the State of Iowa.

If I call 9-1-1 by accident or no longer need help, should I hang up?

Never hang up. You may have called 9-1-1 by accident, or your situation may have resolved itself, but it is important to let the 9-1-1 dispatcher know this. If you end the call abruptly, the 9-1-1 operator is going to assume that something has gone very wrong and will either call you back or send help anyway.

This will take away from the 9-1-1 center’s ability to take calls and dispatch services to on-going emergencies, so make sure the 9-1-1 dispatcher tells you it is okay to hang up. Keep in mind that the 9-1-1 dispatcher can dispatch responders to your location even with disconnecting from the call, so, until you are instructed to do otherwise, make sure to hold the line so that you can provide any necessary information or assistance to the 9-1-1 dispatcher.

If I don't need a permit to carry in Iowa, will I be able to carry in another state without a permit?

Each state has its own laws regarding the ability to carry weapons in their state.  We encourage people to contact the state(s) where they will be traveling and become familiar with that state's respective weapon laws.  An Iowa permit to carry may suffice in states that currently allow permit reciprocity.

In what situations is it NOT appropriate to call 9-1-1?

Don’t call 9-1-1 because your power or cable is out or because you are traveling and want to know road conditions during bad weather. While those situations may count as emergencies for you, they aren’t for public safety.

Inappropriate use of the 9-1-1 system wastes resources and ties up the lines at the 9-1-1 center, and nobody wants to be on hold when they are in the middle of a real crisis.

In what situations should you call 9-1-1?

9-1-1 is for emergencies only. You should only dial 9-1-1 if someone is hurt or in danger, or if you are in immediate need of police, fire, or medical assistance. If you aren’t sure if your situation is an emergency, you should err on the side of safety and call 9-1-1 and let the expert who answers your call make the decision whether to send help or not.

Is there a limit on what I can bring on the Jets Bus?

This policy is meant to reasonably limit the time and weight of carry-on items to prevent injury or unreasonable delay and provide a safe environment for all Jones County Jets passengers.

Any item that is too large to see around and/or too awkward for one person to carry through the vehicle doorway without continued readjustments will not be transported. Jones County Jets will transport only what the passenger (along with their companions or attendant) can carry on the vehicle in one trip with a maximum of ten plastic grocery bags to a total weight of twenty-five pounds. Items transported on Jones County Jets will be the sole responsibility of the rider.

Riders will have to take the responsibility of having the packages that are not allowed on a Jones County Jets vehicle delivered to their home by other means.

What are inmate visitation options?

Visitation can be done in two ways. 

FaceTime: If you leave money on the inmate's phone account, they do have the ability to FaceTime directly from their iPod. 

Video Visitation: General video visitation for friends and family will be held at the two kiosks located in the waiting room of the Civil Office in the Sheriff's Department. This is in the basement of the Jones County Courthouse located at 500 W. Main St. in Anamosa. Visitation is held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. All inmates can receive 2-20-minute visits per week. The inmate must fill out a Visitor Request form prior to the visit that needs to be approved by the Jail Administrator. A visit can consist of two adults and two children as long as the request was approved by the Jail Administrator. The visitor will use the phone located in the Civil Office to call extension 1209 to the jail to enter the visit. The jail staff will give the visitor a pin number that they will enter at the kiosk to connect them with the inmate. 

For general inquiries regarding inmates, please call (319) 462-2720 


What are tax levies and assessed values?

There are a number of different taxing districts in a jurisdiction, each with a different levy. Each year the County Auditor determines for that district a levy that will yield enough money to pay for schools, police and fire protection, road maintenance, and other services budgeted for in that area. The tax levy is applied to each $1,000 of a property's taxable value. The value determined by the assessor is the assessed value and is the value indicated on the assessment roll. The taxable value is the value determined by the auditor after application of state ordered "rollback" percentages for the various classes of property, with other properties always compare with the value on the assessment roll of the assessor's property record cards and not the value indicated on the tax statement.

What are the Jones County 911 Office hours?

Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

What are the park hours?

Park hours are 4:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. (Visitors should leave the park by 10:30 p.m.)  Quiet time begins at 9 p.m. and goes through 8 a.m.

What are the purposes of Land Use?

It can protect property values by preventing nuisances by separating incompatible land uses. Prevent loss of investment due to fire.  Assures certainty of future conditions by protecting investments.   It can protect public health and safety by separating unhealthy industrial uses from residential uses.  It can establish efficient development patterns that minimize public costs associated with utilities.  It can provide adequate space for each type of land use in the county. It can help protect agricultural land by directing other types of development, residences and business away from rural areas.

What are your hours of operation for winter snow removal?

Snow removal units, including those applying abrasive materials, normally will operate during daylight hours, or shortly before daylight, Monday through Friday.  On Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, the normal level of service will be implemented if conditions warrant.  Only in cases of emergency will snow removal units operate between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.  The initial effort will be to get all routes opened to one-lane traffic as soon as possible after a storm has passed.  After one-lane travel is possible, subsequent snow removal will be carried on during normal working hours.

What are your hours?

We are open Monday through Friday with office hours from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and door-to-door service from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Jones County Jets is not open on the weekends.

What do I do if I disagree with the assessor's estimate of value?

If you disagree with the assessor's estimate of value, please consider these two questions before proceeding, as outlined below:

  • What is the actual market value of my property?
  • How does the value compare to the similar properties in the neighborhood?

If you have any questions about the assessment of your property, feel free to come in and discuss it with the assessor.

You may file a written protest with the Board of Review, which is composed of three or five members from various areas of the assessing jurisdiction. The Board operates independently of the assessor's office and has the power to confirm or to adjust either upward or downward any assessment.

If you are not satisfied with the decision of the Board of Review you may appeal to district court within twenty days after adjournment of said Board, or twenty days after May 31st, whichever is later (sections 441.38 and 441.38, Code of Iowa). Or appeals to the Property Assessment Appeal Board may be taken from the board of review action within 20 days after the adjournment of the board of review or May 31, whichever is later (sections 441.37A, 441.38 & 441.39, Code of Iowa). 

What happens when you send a text to 9-1-1?
  • A dispatcher will reply to you by text. Be sure to silence your ringtone if staying quiet is important to your safety.
  • If your text to 911 fails to go through, you will receive a bounce-back message saying the service is not available and instructing you to make a voice call to 9-1-1.

911 call centers cannot identify your exact location when you send a text to 9-1-1.

Carriers treat texts to 9-1-1 like any other text message. Until the Federal Communications Commission sets specific guidelines, texts to 9-1-1 will not receive priority on wireless networks. Emergency texts will also experience the same service speeds and delays as other text messages.

What information should I include in a text to 9-1-1?
  • Give an accurate address or location as quickly as possible.
  • Identify the type of help you need — police, fire, or ambulance.
  • Be brief, but don’t use abbreviations or slang.
  • Text in English. Translation services are not yet available for texts to 9-1-1.
  • Do not copy other people on texts to 9-1-1. Group messages will not go through.
  • Do not use emoticons or attach photos or videos. Texts with any images or multimedia will not go through.
  • Texts sent to 9-1-1 have the same 160-character limit as other text messages.

Calling 9-1-1 when there is no emergency is against the law. The same applies to texting 9-1-1. Don't "test" it to see if it works. You could tie up resources and prevent someone from receiving the help they need.

What is “Spot Zoning”?

Spot zoning is when a rezoning decision results in a single parcel or small island of property with a different use from the surrounding property.  Spot zoning changes the zoning to one in which has a small or inconsistent use, that benefits the landowner and cannot be supported by the comprehensive plan.

What is a “Non-conforming Use”?

A non-conforming use is a use that was legal when established but does not conform to the current zoning regulations.

What is a "rollback"?

The "rollback" is the percentage of actual value that is determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance each year on the several classes of property where the total value increase STATEWIDE, exceeds three percent for each class of property. The percentage so determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance is certified to and applied by the local County Auditor to all property in each class affected throughout the State. Percentages determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance are the same for all the assessing jurisdictions in the State.

Increases in assessed value of individual parcels of property, as determined by the Assessor, may exceed four percent within a jurisdiction. Agricultural property, except agricultural dwellings, are assessed on the basis of productivity and net earning capacity using a five-year crop average and capitalized at a rate set by the Legislature. The rate is currently seven percent. Tentative and final equalization orders are issued by the Director of Revenue and Finance in odd-numbered years on or about August 15th and October 1st, respectively. The orders are sent to the various County Auditors who apply them to the classes of property affected if any.

What is Land Use?

Land Use has many terms. It can be called Zoning, Community Planning or Comprehensive Planning.  Land Use divides the county into different districts or zones.  Different land uses are allowed in each area, and the goal is to separate those that are not compatible. It controls how the land will be used.

What is market value?

The market value of a property is an estimate of the price that it would sell for on the open market on January First of the year of assessment. This is sometimes referred to as the "arms-length transaction" or "willing buyer/willing seller" concept.

What is right-of-way?

Right-of-way is an area of land that is owned by the property owner, but the local government possesses an easement in order to maintain the road for public usage.  The amount of right-of-way varies from road to road, but typically extends 33 feet each direction from the center of the roadway on gravel surfaced roads and 50 feet each direction on paved roads.  Landowners may not place, or cause to be placed, an obstruction within any county roadway right-of-way.

What is the difference between Planning and Zoning and Board of Adjustment?

The Planning and Zoning Commission has policy development functions.  They work on the Comprehensive Plan and review and recommend zoning ordinance changes.  They are a policy-making body.  Part of the zoning ordinance changes are map amendments such as Rezoning requests.  They also make recommendations on Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plats to the Board of Supervisors.

The Board of Adjustment has no policy development functions.  Their job is to prevent hardships from being inflicted on individual owners (Variance), ensure that development “fits” into its surroundings (Special Permitted Uses), and ensures consistent interpretation of the ordinance (Appeals of the Zoning Administrators decisions).

What is the history behind Land Use/Zoning Regulations?

As it pertains to county zoning within Iowa, in 1955 the legislature gave zoning authority to all counties.

Jones County established Land Use in 1998 and it evolved into the Zoning Ordinance which was effective in 2007.

What is your Door-to-Door Service policy? Can drivers assist clients in getting to and from the vehicle?

Drivers will escort all passengers from their outermost door to the entrance of the vehicle and will load them on the vehicle in the safest manner. Upon return, the driver will unload the passenger in the safest manner and escort them to the outermost door of their destination. Drivers are highly encouraged not to enter into any client’s residence.

Reasons for the Policy 

  1. Recommendation of ECICOG
  2. Insurance liabilities
  3. Time management
  4. Personal cares are to be done by health care professionals, not the transportation department per community health (liabilities).
What location information do I need to give to the 9-1-1 dispatcher?

This is probably the most important information you can provide as a 9-1-1 caller, so try to be aware of your surroundings. Make a real effort to be as detailed as possible, if you are outside and do not know the street address, take a look around and try to find landmarks or cross streets. If you are inside a large building or one with multiple levels, you can help emergency services by letting them know which floor you are on, which apartment you are in, etc.

When can I use Text-to-911?

Call if you can, text if you can’t! Calling 9-1-1 is still the best way to report an emergency. Dispatchers can get vital information more quickly through a voice call. It can also take more time for dispatchers to respond to a text.

Text-to-911 is designed for situations where you cannot speak safely, such as a home invasion, active shooter, or domestic violence incident.

It is also an ideal option for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have difficulty speaking.

Just like 9-1-1 calls, texts to 9-1-1 should only be sent during actual emergencies.

When is Central Park Campground open?

Water and electricity are turned on from April 15 through October 15 — weather dependent. Primitive camping is available year-round.

When is the Central Park Nature Center open?

The Central Park Nature Center is open during normal business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. when staff are present. Check for availability or call to schedule an appointment by calling (563) 487-3541 Ext. 1. The center is also open Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Watch for COVID updates and restrictions on our website.

When is the sign-up period for dust control? When can my dust control be bladed?

The deadline for filing for a permit for first application is the last Friday of April.  The deadline for filing for a permit for the second application is the last Friday of June.  Dust control applications are valid until the last day of August of the year issued.  Locations where dust control has been applied tend to be susceptible to potholes and washboards.  In the event that potholes or washboards develop within an Applicants dust control location, the patrol operator may blade or scarify this area at any time to produce a smooth surface.  The County shall not be responsible for notification, replacement or compensation to an Applicant for locations re-graded.

Where can I get a map of the area to find my parcel (lot)?

On the Jonescountyiowa.gov web site go to the Assessor's Office page listed under DEPARTMENTS.  Next, select PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS. Now look for a link called MAPS. This link is directly under the word BEACON. Select MAPS. you should now see a map of Jones County. find teh general area that you are trying to identify, then start zooming into the exact location of interest.  As you zoom in you should start seeing parcel numbers (10 digit number) that identifies each individual parcel in the county.  That parcel number is what the 911 office needs to begin the process of assigning a 911 address.  

Where do I find the Flood Plain Development Permit Application for Jones County?

You can view a fillable application here on our website.

Where do I find the flood plain ordinance?

You can view it here on our website.

Where do I find the forms and more information on the Jones County Points Program?

Visit our Points Program page.

Where do I find the Iowa DNR Flood Plain Development Permit Applications and information?

You can find the Iowa DNR Flood Plain Development Permit Application on their website.

Where do I get the 911 sign after applying?

Rural Jones County residents and businesses get their signage from the 911 Office located in the Jones County Courthouse at 500 W. Main Street, Room 34, in Anamosa. In cities and towns contact the city clerk for your specific address.

Where does the sign go?

Per Jones County ordinance, the signage is to be placed to the right of the driveway as you face the property from the access road. The post should be placed along or near the property easement line and roughly 30 feet from the driveway.

Who can use Text-to-911?
  • Anyone within Jones County, Iowa.
  • All of the major phone carriers — Verizon, US Cellular, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile — offer text to 9-1-1 service to their wireless customers in Jones County. Depending on the technology and the device used, customers of other carriers may be able to send a text to 911.
  • A text or data plan with a participating carrier is necessary to text to 9-1-1. The type of cell phone you have may also impact your ability to use Text-to-911.

Text-to-911 is not available when roaming. If you attempt to send a text to 9-1-1 where that service is not available or your phone is in roaming status, you should receive a bounce-back message informing you that the service is unavailable.

Who installs the signage?

The property owner is responsible for installing the signage.

Who is responsible for replacing a damaged sign?

Per the Jones County rural addressing ordinance, the property owner is responsible for replacing any damaged or missing 911 signage. In addition, it is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure the signage is always visible. This includes clearing brush, tall grass, and preventing snow from piling up around the signage and blocking clear line of sight.

Why do values change?

State law requires that all real property be reassessed every two years. The current law requires the reassessment to occur in odd-numbered years. Changes in market value as indicated by research, sales ratio studies, and analysis of local conditions as well as economic trends both in and outside the construction industry are used in determining your assessment.

Why do you follow school districts for severe weather closings?

The answer is very simple. If the schools feel it is too dangerous for the drivers and children to be on the road, it is also too dangerous for the elderly and disabled to be on the roads. Appointments can be rescheduled but people's lives cannot.

Why is it important to stay calm when calling 9-1-1?

When you are on the phone with 9-1-1, you are their eyes and ears. Even though you may want to, try not to panic. If you are crying or yelling, it can be hard for the 9-1-1 dispatcher to understand you. If you are unable to stay strong, pull yourself together, and answer all of the 9-1-1 dispatcher’s questions, the faster they can get the right services to your location.

Will dispatch and responders know my location automatically based on my call location?

9-1-1 can be contacted from pretty much every device that can make a phone call (traditional landline, cell phones, VoIP), but the callback and location information that accompanies your call to the 9-1-1 center can vary drastically amongst technologies and between geographic regions.

Will the new Iowa law change how I get a permit to acquire or a permit to carry?

No. There will be no change in the method by which a person applies for a permit to acquire or a permit to carry. 

With the new law, will I need a permit to acquire or carry in order to purchase a hand gun from a federal firearms licensee (FFL)?

Effective July 1, 2021, a permit will no longer be required to purchase handguns in the State of Iowa.  It is possible that an FFL may choose to require a permit in order to complete the sale, but it will not be a state requirement.

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