COVID-19 Update

Due to COVID-19 case increases, new health and safety procedures are in place as of Monday, November 9, 2020. Until further notice, access to all Jones County facilities, i.e. courthouse, Community Services, Secondary Road, Conservation, etc., is restricted to appointment-only services.
Appointments & Drop Offs
For court appearances and other court-related services, please call (319) 462-4341 for updates. To contact another department to schedule an appointment, please visit their department page for contact details. Generally, staff will be available to assist customers via telephone and email.
If you need to drop something off at the courthouse, a secure drop box is located in the courthouse parking lot near the brick garage. It is emptied several times each day by authorized personnel and is under 24/7 video surveillance. Citizens may use the drop box for documents, license plates, and payments.
Masks are recommended to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Some departments may require masks before providing services by appointment.
The Jones County Board of Supervisors and Jones County Board of Health recommend that all citizens wear a mask or face covering to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The availability of all county services may change at any time as we address the safety and health concerns of our customers and our employees.